Giant Wooden Cornhole


Giant Wooden Cornhole


Price per day

→ Size : 47.2 inch (L) x 23.6 inch(W)

→ Included equipment :

√ 2 Structure                       √ 8 sand bags

→ 100% solid wood 

→ Watch more detailed video

For delivery and installation fees please contact us. 

Cornhole is a beloved backyard game that has grown in popularity, capturing the essence of friendly competition, skill, and outdoor leisure. Known by various names like bean bag toss, tailgate toss, or baggo, Cornhole is a simple yet engaging pastime enjoyed at picnics, barbecues, tailgate parties, and gatherings of all kinds. This game offers hours of entertainment, fostering camaraderie and challenge among players of all ages.

How to play :

Cornhole is played with two inclined boards with circular holes placed a specific distance apart. The goal is to toss bean bags or corn-filled bags towards the opposite board and aim for the hole. Scoring is based on where the bags land, with points awarded for landing on the board or in the hole. The objective is to reach a set score before your opponent, providing a dynamic mix of skill, strategy, and luck.

Additional service :

✓ Carnival Tent

✓ Speaker

✓ Table with carnival tablecloths

✓ Animation :

  •  Explanations of the rules
  • Make sure that the equipment works as intended                                                   
  • Attract people to play
  • Come with the music

✓ Fence posts



47.2 inch (L) x 23.6 inch(W)


Commercial, Residential


3 – 99 y. o.


Indoor / Outdoor

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