Hot Dog grill machine

Hot Dog grill machine


Price per day

→ Size : 22 inch (L) x 9.8 inch (W) x 16 inch (H)

→ Included equipment :

√ Machine                                √ Spoon             

 The machine can do approximately 12 hot dog depending how big are the sausage

Need an electrical circuit

All types of meat

There is 5 non-stick roller.

Video how to use the machine 

For delivery and installation fees please contact us. 


Hot dog grill machine offer speed, consistency, and quality in the cooking process, making them a valuable addition to any food service establishment where hot dogs are on the menu. The rollers on the grill machine are motorized and rotate continuously. This rotation ensures that the hot dogs cook evenly on all sides, resulting in a uniform and perfectly cooked product. Hot dog grill machines are designed for efficiency. They cook hot dogs quickly, often in a matter of minutes, making them ideal for busy food service environments.

Additional service :

√  Tent 10*10

√ Equipment operator : Make portions, in charge of the machine, portion distribution.

√ Generator

√ Table with carnival tablecloths

√ Fence posts


22 (L) inch x 9.8 (W) inch x 16 (H) inch


Commercial, Residential


3 – 99 y. o.


Indoor / Outdoor

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